
For a summary of our past work have a look at Our Work


Unlocking the power of social science: Our qualitative and quantitative approach help you build a deeper understanding of your organization, people, and impact. From worker insights to market landscapes, we help you evaluate programs and pose powerful research questions. Let us guide you toward scientific and informed decision-making.


Get ready to supercharge your team collaboration: our creative and engaging facilitation techniques bring together diverse voices and foster empathy. Want to experience it for yourself? Join us for our monthly Oblique Thinking Hour - where we share our best techniques to help you build stronger connections and unleash your team's potential.


Design your future with confidence: we partner with you to co-create an adaptive path forward, rooted in your people's collective capabilities and the broader strategic landscape. We harness raw materials and insights from our inquiry and facilitation to help your teams build robust and lasting change, fueled by all perspectives. Let's unleash your full potential together.


  • Inquiry
    • Focus Group and Interviewing Skills
    • Stakeholder Research
    • Qualitative Coding
    • Qualitative and Quantitative Survey Development and Analysis
    • Persona and Journey Mapping
    • Skills Mapping
    • Landscape research and Analysis
    • Group concept mapping
  • Facilitation
  • Organizational Transformation
    • Design thinking for academic / science teams
    • Strategic thinking
    • Business Model Exploration

Contact us at [email protected]